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Affordable Home Tech

By Olivia Hughes

Technology is here to make life easier. Have you paused to ask yourself if you have the right products for your home?

Home tech has come a long way. Remember when you had to wait for your family to get off the phone so you could use the internet?

Fortunately, that’s no longer the case! These days, everything is automated, personalised and – when used properly – here to make life quicker, easier and better.

And the best part? Home tech no longer has to cost an arm and a leg.

Find out which tech is at your fingertips to help improve your home life.

1. The must-have kitchen tech

A smart tablet has many uses, from watching something on the go to reading in bed. But, we would argue, the area where it really has a chance to shine is in the kitchen.

A tablet device is a kitchen tech must-have. Picture: Pexels

Look-up and follow recipes with ease off a tablet screen. Prop it up on a cookbook stand and either cook along with an instruction video or keep it handy while working off a recipe.

Bigger than your phone screen and less clunky than a laptop, tablets are the ultimate cooking assistant.

2. Improve your home security

A safe and secure home is fundamental. Thankfully, new home security tech is making it easy and cost-effective to protect your home.

Keep an eye on your home with security devices. Picture:

While you can hardwire cameras and security systems to your home, the easier route is to find a portable camera that is re-chargeable or battery operated.

3. Get crystal clear visuals

Watch TV on a clear flat screen to make your evenings even more pleasurable.

With so many blockbusters being released straight to streaming services nowadays, you need a big screen to get the full effect.

Large flat screen TVs no longer have to break the bank. Picture: Australia Post

4. Something to treat yourself

What better way to relax at the end of a hard day than with a massage. For those of us who can’t have a professional masseuse on staff, the next best thing could be an electric massager.

At the end of your day, just switch on that big screen TV, sit back in your comfy couch and relax with a DIY massage. Heaven!

5. Power outlets to make it happen

The problem with filling your home with great tech is that it all needs somewhere to plug in. Finding a powerpoint for everything can become a burden unless you have some quality power boards.

Power board allows you to charge up to 10 devices at once, with both traditional outlets and USB ports ready for charging.


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